Thursday, February 18, 2010

Why the hell am i so invisible?

"i’m so fed up. I cant do this shit anymore. Why the hell am i so invisible? I give everyone all the attention they need and in the end when i need it they don’t even notice stupid little me. I hate it when my parents see my hardest earned grades and tell me i could do better when they dont even have time to help me…i hate it when my sister totally ignores me and tells me go kill myself everytime i get depressed…i hate it when i imply something about him and he says thats the same with his gf…i hate it when i’m home alone 24/7…i hate it when my family critisizes my physical appearance….i hate it when people say mean things 2 be even if theyre joking, I hate it that my best friends keep talking about their issues with their boyfriends n asking me 4 advice on their life when i just wana die…I hate it when i just want you to ask me how i am and you start complaining about your own life…I hate it when he duznt realize that all i wana do is be there 4 him and how much i want him 2 want me but everything is that bitch….I HATE LIFEE AND EVERYTHING ABOUT IT!!! I wana die!!! I’m not strong enough to live…and why live when no1 notices me any way. no one sees m e and I hate that. I hate them. Dear God…please take me…"
