Friday, November 13, 2009

You cry and you cry and you ask why, God why? What do you do then? Do you put on a brave face or do you crumble to pieces?

"So what do you do when you like a friend who likes someone else? The correct answer, you leave them be. Even though your heart bleeds and you cry yourself to sleep every night. The correct thing to do is to be happy for him and to encourage him to pursue her, especially when she appears to like him too. But what if it’s just too hard? What if you find yourself thinking about him every single day. You cry and you cry and you ask why, God why? What do you do then? Do you put on a brave face or do you crumble to pieces? I have tried to be a good friend, to be happy for him. But every time he comes to me with happy stories about her, every time they have a date is like a knife in my heart. And don’t think I’m pathetic, pining over a guy like that, my life is more than that. It just seems like it isn’t these days. Things I used to care about mean nothing anymore and all I really want is for it all to stop, one way or another. None of my friends seem to understand, all they do is give good for nothing advice. Since I turned nineteen I think about ending my life almost every day. I just wish that there was someone out there that was willing to listen, to care."
