Tuesday, January 26, 2010

I fucking hate myself

"I am worried about my SAT and the GPA and the ACT and the dog feces … all of this, but I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, depression and weakness. I think I might be bipolar, tell you the truth. In addition, I had to drop out of school, high school and seek a recent online home school program. I fucking hate myself. I have four AP courses are for family honor classes have not been educated. How should I do? I have this idea in my head, if I did not enter a good school I was worthless. The only reason is that I survive, so I can get into a good school. But even so, I doubt I can play!"

Source: http://www.depressiondisorder.org/2010/01/25/open-question-the-stress-of-school-makes-me-want-to-kill-myself/